Questions of meaning persistently sit at the edges of our consciousness:
How do I anchor myself in an uncertain world?
What practices keep me grounded?
How do I connect myself to others, the human family?
How do we fit into the global picture?
In my short time here what contribution will I make?
What summons me to act for the common good?
In our innate search for meaning, many today rely less on our social, economic, spiritual and political structures and institutions to help us frame our lives. Nihilism - a sense that there no significant meaning in life - is at the edges of our collective consciousness, yet we long to belong to a larger story or narrative that gives life dignity, purpose and contentment.
The eight principles in this reflection have emerged in the context of peace and nonviolence education conferences. They are shaped out of a wide variety of lived experiences informed by the psychology of Carl Jung and an inquisitive faith tradition. This journey of personal reflection invites us to remember that how we choose to live matters greatly for ourselves and for the common good.