We are all beautiful and full of potential and we have the right to be happy
Does every child know that is true? Do you?
How Anansi Learned Self-Esteem is a collection of ten original stories written and illustrated in a delightful and entertaining way to make ideas about self-esteem available to young readers and listeners. Its purpose is to help those in its audience define themselves in ways that lead to lives full of possibilities motivated by joy rather than lives of limited choices motivated by fear.
These stories are meant to provide a forum for children and adults to talk about self-esteem. In this collection, Anansi the Spider learns through conversations with others and himself while on his journey. We can do the same. This book is one tool that can be used to help us develop something that is necessary for living successful lives, positive self-esteem.
Travel along with Anansi the Spider as he learns important lessons that help him to have confidence in and respect for himself. Perhaps those lessons will inspire you to have more confidence in and respect for yourself too
Our possibilities are endless when we believe in each other and ourselves.