We hope that our pagan-themed yearly and weekly planner with custom cover art will be a useful accessory on your journey to connect with your inner divine. Great gift book for the committed (or just starting out) Wiccan.
Our planners give you a week on each page plus full year pages, 2020 and 2021, at the beginning and end.
6 x 9inch (15.24cm x 22.86cm) dimensions. Contains full year calendars 2020 and 2021. Interior contains seven days per page for easy scanning. Plenty of room for daily reminders with added 'Priority' and 'To Do' spaces. Tough glossy paperback.High quality crisp white paper, sturdy to prevent ink bleed-through.Good for pen or pencil.Suits all witches, apprentice witches and non-witches.Click the Buy Button at the top of the page and start planning.