Hope For Your Soul
Do you need a word of encouragement? Hope For Your Soul will lift you from the valley of despair to mountain tops of hope. Each meditation will strengthen your faith to pursue your dreams and move your mountains. This is a must read for every soul that hungers for hope and inspiration.
In a time where suicide is it an all time high, despair and depression abound both within and outside of the Church, and the political landscape is dangerously repressive and regressive, the Prophet in the person of the Dr. Samuel White, III, stands in the ruins and says Yes there is hope.
Dr. Genetta Y. Hatcher
Vice President of Administration and Student Services
Director of Recruitment
Ecumenical Theological Seminary
One of the most difficult struggles can be the struggle to find hope. Drawing from his many years of experience as pastor, teacher, and writer, Dr. Samuel White, III helps us find our way to that elusive goal. If youre looking for a reminder of what truly matters in our lives, and a road map for how to get back there, youll find it in the pages of Hope For Your Soul.
Dr. Brandon R. Grafius
Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies, Ecumenical Theological Seminary
Dr. Samuel White, III, encourages the reader that there is hope for the mind, body and more importantly the soul.
-Dr. Edward Knox
Author Gods Grace Through Grief