My "calling" for "soul-work" in this book creates a visionary community of in(Spirit)ed individuals. They include literary/cultural critics, visual artists, poets, and dramatists. Collectively, I employ their works to illustrate the revolutionary artistry of bell hooks. As a black feminist, cultural critic, theorist, and inspirational teacher--hooks is a soulful, visionary artist.
As a black male teacher, scholar, and artist--whose commitment to social justice and human rights is rooted in the groundbreaking work(s) of hooks--I am a witness to the liberatory power of her creative giftedness. Over the course of time, I have been led (in her words and works) to embark upon a journey for "expressive creativity of a soul struggling to self-actualize." In the wake of my soul-filled calling, I began to reach out to folks dedicated to self-actualization.
In line with hooks' life-changing vision of a "beloved community," I have conceptualized this book as a radical model for self-liberation. Thus, in loving communion with hooks, together the contributors and I actively labor "toward re-envisioning] the world we must make if we are to be one with the planet--one healing heart giving and sustaining life. Love is our hope and our salvation." This is the heart of Hooked on the Art of Love.