Hoodwinked Volume III- TOWN HALL: Code, the Debasing of America chronicles the unlawful abuse of power by the Town of Simsbury from 2010 to 2013, going against musical activities taking place in my Connecticut property. Hoodwinked III demonstrates the recklessness municipal authorities exhibit in toying with their residents, abusing the law at many levels- going as far as deceiving judges- expecting to and actually getting away with all of it. During this time, Robert Mueller, then Director of the FBI under President Obama, described such government mistreatment of citizens as follows: " When just one of us loses just one of our rights, then the freedoms of all of us are diminished"Lawyers have told me that regardless of Robert Mueller's ideal, that my local situation is small potatoes for the Department of Justice and the FBI- the agencies holding jurisdiction on abuse of power matters. Lack-of-a-controlling-legal-authority is why municipalities can run roughshod over their residents without recourse.