Shaping, Equipping, and Releasing Spirit-Formed Believers
This unique book explores all aspects of beginning and maintaining a small group that is empowered by the Holy Spirit. Packed with testimonies and real life applications, this book will stir up hunger in whoever reads it and will cast light on the areas that a lot of Christians do not understand.
Included in Holy Spirit Empowered Small Groups:The authors, John and Sonja Decker, point out that Jesus loves small groups. In fact, He spent most of his time with a small group that He Himself handpicked--the twelve disciples. Jesus took time to develop and mentor the people who would continue His ministry when He was gone. Discipleship should also be the function of small groups.
This book is for any individual or pastor who desires to learn more about mentoring and discipling someone after leading them into salvation. Anyone wanting to learn more about the work of the Holy Spirit should also read this book.
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Christian Books & Bibles Christian Living Religion Religion & Spirituality Spirituality