Subsequently, the negative momentum was catching up to Stella at every turn, causing physical and emotional deprivation that seemed to have no end. When she found herself standing too close to the edge of depression, she chose to plan her escape, only to learn that her choice would be far more tumultuous than the marriage itself.
To emancipate herself from the hell in which she lived, Stella knew that she must strike an inner balance to rescue herself from the hollow ground she had slipped into. It is here where she developed a "rampage of appreciation" that became a daily, hourly, and sometimes even a minute-by-minute silent mantra of all the good that exists in her world.
The uncertainty of her pending release would either kill her, emotionally deplete her forever, or lead Stella to a stronger sense of self. Without knowing the outcome, she had no choice but to travel through the emotional minefield that her husband laid beneath the floors of her stately home. Hollow Ground details this perilous journey.