Holidays Around The World
Culture allows everyone to enjoy and celebrate shared traditions and events. Inside are 31 holidays from around the world, illustrated for your enjoyment. Every design has the name of the holiday hidden somewhere within.The Holidays Around The World coloring book has 31 different designs, that are printed single sided on 60# white paper. Which is great for gel pens, colored pencils, crayons, and brush pens. The coloring book size is 8.5" x 11" with single-sided designs. There is one color chart and color wheel page in the back of the book for your color testing purposes. This coloring book is designed for children and adults of any coloring skill level.
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Holiday List
New Years Day, Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Burns Supper, Chinese New Year, Valentines Day, Carnival Bassant, Mardi Gras, Clean Monday, St. Patricks DAy, April Fools Day, Siblings Day, Easter, Earth Day, May Day, Mothers Day, Ramadan, Fathers Day, Independence Day, Book Lovers Day, Grandparents Day, Sukkot, Rash Hashanah, Oktoberfest, Halloween, Day of the Dead, Bonfire Night, Diwali, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa.