God delivered me from my own hands of destruction after my first love was taken away from me. He used that loss to show me His love and redemption plan and to restore me to my rightful place as His beloved one who is one with Him. I live in the city of Paulsboro, New Jersey, and am the mother of five children and grandmother of two grandchildren whom I love dearly. They are who God used in shaping me and teaching me my place on Earth. Their names are Wisdom, Job, Faith, Joshua, and Emmanuel. This is who God told me I am. One day, when I was crying my heart out to Him in so much pain, He told me to write down the names of my children, and then He said to me, "You are the power of the children's names that I birthed within you, Sandra." Then, He told me to look up the meaning of my name. It means I'm a helper of mankind. God said, "This is why your life went the way it did, because of what is birthed within you and My making of you. You are more powerful than you know now because of all you have faced in life. But I am with you too showing you my will." The Lord created me for purpose, and I am living with purpose.
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