An exhilarating hunt for an immense treasure hoard, hidden somewhere in the erstwhile capital of the richest colony, of the most powerful colonial empire!
Two friends come up with scanty lead to find out the Treasure of the Kings! But they are confronted by a mysterious man - Khan! But even Khan is challenged by another group, seeking the same treasure! - Who are these people?
The friends, a secret inner faction of an ancient, powerful brotherhood - the ...! and some unknown others in the same legacy, contest in bloodshed to reach and unlock the Treasure of the Kings!
- What is there in the hoard? How much in value?
With their search through the shadowy passages of history .... from persons to buildings to port and forts and church to secret societies .... even historic graveyards and underground tunnel ... and cracking ciphers, they near the hoard!
- Who will get the immense hoard of treasure? - Hidden ...!