Some soulmates are meant to part ways and not end up together.
Although Treb has intense emotions for a colleague, he has the awareness that it would be inappropriate to pursue a romantic entanglement. Treb is the only one Mariella loves. He embodies all the traits that she seeks in a suitable male companion. Despite being aware of Treb's affection for her, she is perplexed by his lack of initiative in pursuing a potential relationship with her. She asserted her interest in him directly and thus took control of the situation. Despite waiting for a long time, she has yet to receive any form of reciprocation. Mariella, who was beautiful, bright, and youthful, had her affections for Treb turn from strong love to hatred because of perceived rejection. In order to seek revenge, she and her friends concocted a plan to create slight nuisances for Treb, just enough to irritate him greatly. Treb, who stoically endured the torment of unrequited love through his adherence to self-restraint, ultimately faced utter devastation due to the uncompromising adherence to his moral values. Inevitably, he was left with no choice but to leave. Forever.