A highly intelligent child is bullied, and among other outlandish things, is forced to observe and hug a skeleton during his school years. But he manages to complete medicine and these experiences change his perception of fear, death... everything
In 1885, he is employed in a pharmacy in Chicago and when the owner of the business dies, he manages to convince his widow to let him control the business fully.
Before long, the widow goes missing....
Equipped with a thriving pharmacy, he unscrupulously acquires property across the street, which he redesigns into an elaborate 3-story hotel. This would later come to be known as the "murder castle". It was complete with death traps, blocked stairways, wall-fitted gas jets, trapdoors and hidden panels in closets leading to the cellar of death via greasy shafts and a basement of horror- just to mention the least. As it were, this would become the last resting place of many of Holmes' murder victims...
But who exactly was Holmes?
Did he have any parents? How was he brought up?
How many people did he kill, and why is he referred to as America's first most notorious serial killer?
What happened in the murder castle?
What did he have to say about his fraudulent, sadistic and murderous tendencies before his death?
Did he really escape from the hangman?
If you've been having questions about the "Jack, the ripper" then this is the last place you'll ever look. This book contains accurate, real-life accounts of Dr. Holmes, right from his birth to the time the noose was placed around his neck in 1896. In a thrilling story that will leave you chilled, this book brings to you the details about how and why Dr. Holmes turned out to be the cold killer he was, how he executed his murders and many other details that will give you a good understanding of the murderous doctor.
Here are some of the themes this book covers:...And so much more
As you'll soon discover, many of Dr. Holmes' stories you've probably been hearing are distorted, and most likely nothing compared to what really happened.
Question is,
Are you ready for the truth?
The horror?
Are you ready to explore the insight into the instinct and brutal methods of a completely twisted mind of an intelligent man?
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