Alguna vez has luchado con tu imagen corporal? La autora de bestsellers Elizabeth George quiere que experimentes la confianza de saber que eres hermosa ante los ojos de Dios.
Muchas mujeres j?venes luchan con des?rdenes alimenticios o con im?genes corporales distorsionadas porque creen en la versi?n del mundo de la belleza definitiva, la perfecci?n o la feminidad. Es hora de cambiar la imagen de tu cuerpo usando la verdad de Dios como tu espejo. Rod?ate de vers?culos b?blicos inspiradores y de la gu?a alentadora de Elizabeth para descubrir el prop?sito y la confianza que has so?ado tener. Si quieres ver algo realmente hermoso, mira a la incre?ble joven que Dios cre? "t?". Have you ever struggled with your body image? Bestselling author Elizabeth George wants you to experience the confidence of knowing that you are beautiful in God's eyes. Many young women battle with eating disorders or distorted body images because they believe in the world's version of ultimate beauty, perfection, or femininity. It's time to change your body image using God's truth as your mirror. Surround yourself with inspirational Bible verses and Elizabeth's encouraging guidance to discover the purpose and confidence you've only dreamed of having. If you want to see something truly beautiful, look at the amazing young woman God created-"you."