While many may look at Wicca and scoff at the dress and history of the religion, the practices and rituals within the Wiccan sphere are very powerful. This is not a live action role play or fantasy acting. Anyone who has ever been curious about magic essentially has already begun their path. Rarely does any individual who starts this journey turn back unchanged.
With this new boom in acceptance of nature worship and magical practice Wicca has seen a rebirth as seekers of all walks of life search for insight into the subtle forces all around us. Communion with nature and other intelligence is a central focus for Wicca and many other of these movements. This book's purpose is to help the seeker begin their journey on a natural path, to empower themselves to make their own spiritual choices and walk the path safely.
Approaching magical techniques and rituals can be confusing or even intimidating at first; this is to be expected. Our western society has effectively eliminated communion with spirits from the popular sphere. It is regarded as 'not real' since it cannot be proven scientifically. There are some things science cannot prove and our society is coming to terms with that.