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Books by Author Joy Ohagwu (in order):
The New Rulebook Christian Suspense Series-
1- Red
2- Snowy Peaks
3- The Wedding
4- Vanished
5- Rescued
6- Delivered
7- Freedom
8- Rest
9- Sunshine
After Christian Inspirational Series:
1- After
2- Jabez
3- After 2
4-After 3
The Pete Zendel Christian Suspense Series:
-The Secret Heritage
The Pleasant Hearts Christian Suspense Series:
1-Uncommon Ground
2-Unbound Hope
3- Unveiled Truth
4- Unshaken Love
Elliot-King Christian Suspense Series:
1- Decoy
2- A Home Redeemed
New Beginnings Christian Inspirational Series (in order):
-At First Sight (FREE Book)
-To Have & To Hold (FREE Prequel)
-Her Undying Faith (Book 1)
-His Changed Life (Book 2)
Dear Reader,
I wrote this series starting in January 2019 for a reason - to bring hope, faith, and inspiration to tired and fainting hearts - while I was going through a flood damage at our home, facing health challenges, volunteering amid a government shutdown, and everything else. So, I know life is tough, the news can be difficult sometimes, and ends are not meeting for most people.
That is one of the reasons I have discounted this book from it's regular price for a limited time, and added a never-before-released FREE Prequel (To Have & To Hold) and a 2nd FREE book (At First Sight) to this series, and you can grab the links from inside this book.
I give GOD all the glory for writing this book through me, and I hope it inspires you to a stronger confidence in JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
-With my Love,