Table of Contents
Introduction: Henry James and Literary Pragmatism
Chapter 1: "A Sort of Loosely Compacted Person" Charles Peirce's Protagonist and the Institutions of the American CommunityChapter 2: Milly Theale and "The Practical Question of Life" Anticipating Doubts and Saving Beliefs in The Wings of the Dove
Chapter 3: Cash Flow, Railways, and Gunshots-for the Good: William James and the Dialectics of Emotion and Action
Chapter 4: Maggie Verver's "Vast Modern Machineries and Facilities" The Art of Love and the Passion of Evil in The Golden Bowl
Chapter 5: "The Habit of the Public Mind" in the Battlefields and Marketplaces: Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.'s Pragmatic Judge and His Fellow CombatantsChapter 6: "The State of the Account Between Society and Himself" Hyacinth Robinson's Soldier's Faith in The Princess Casamassima