The Ice Dragon Force was named after an enormous diamond found in the shape of a Dragon, by those who created the citadel where the Ice Dragon Force began. The Force was created over 6,000 years ago for the purpose of destroying a warlord with his entire 100,000 strong hoard army. Full details are within the first volume "Ice Dragon Rising," available at: The previous story volume 5 CARBELLA, introduces a young woman Phillabella Cianci. She is the daughter of the head of the Swiss secret service. Becomes a new thorn snagged in Henry's life.
Although beautiful and has high mental intelligence, she developed major emotional issues due to being forced by circumstances to face the emotional challenge of a cleft palate, a speech impediment sounded as if she were a simpletonand and then her mother leaving the home. At the age of six, she was already a troublesome maverick but became a lone Wolfe, the day she learnt that an English ex-Templar Knight had married into her father's family.
Soon after becoming a dedicated follower of the Knights Templar she also discovered her father's friend Henry Barton-Jones, was the new Master of the Ice Dragon Force. Far from ridiculing the idea, Phillabella realised that Henry Barton-Jones could help her develop her new Templar militia. The full explanation of this strange situation, is within the publication CARBELLA, volume 5 of the Ice Dragon series.
When a stunning young woman, Phillabella was caught in a terrible accident where she suffered serious internal injuries and unstoppable bleeding. With the help of Henry and the Ice Dragon Force, she eventually emerged completely healed but faced with the reality of her wildest dreams. She had mistakenly acquired Henry's power to dematerialise in an instant. Phillabella used her newfound capability to dematerialise with free abandon to cause general havoc. In this new story, The Pine Dock Secret Volume 6, after the terrorist Ricardo had been neutralised, Henry Barton-Jones takes his wife Charlotte and their young son to his log cabin on the shore of Lake Winnipeg close to the community of Pine Dock. The local RCMP constable tells him an unusual story of an alien spaceship that appears for a second or two and then disappears. As Henry uncovers more details of the sightings, he begins to suspect it is Phillabella in Charlotte's car in which she had almost died but emerged with Henry's power to dematerialise. Now she is apparently having some sort of problems remaining in a stable state. Her condition was not helped due to a local hunter taking a shot at what he thought to be the alien outside of its spaceship. The bullet hit the car and ricocheted off into her shoulder. She manages to find Henry at the log cabin. He questions her about why she is at Pine Dock. She refuses to tell him, it is her business and her new life.
Henry realises Phillabella, is not the only cause of fear in the Pine Dock community. It appears that there has been a long-standing Sword of Damocles, hanging over the community for at least thirty years with roots going back to Canada's involvement in WWII allied forces' preparation of military hardware for the D-D landing on France's Normandy beaches. Henry puts the garbled pieces of Phillabella's story together, it is apparent to him that it is serious. He also suspects that Phillabella is far from telling him all she knows, which leaves Henry with an uneasy feeling, that he is being dragged into Phillabella's mess.
Much like all real-life criminal attempts to possess enormous power, the phenomenal capabilities of dematerialising that Henry carries with ease, are not for ordinary mortals. Since being stolen by Phillabella, this results in her carrying a heavy karma. This unfolds in the following volume 7 of the Henry Barton-Jones - Ice Dragon Force Master series expected to be released during the summer of 2022. If you wish for more details contact email: