Create an irreplaceable family heirloom with this baby book of your child's first year. This keepsake baby journal takes you form the birth of your baby in the hospital through his/her first birthday.Celebrate all the wonderful milestones of the first year of your child's life; it's sure to bring delight and joy to parents, sibblings, grandparents and more for many years.
About the book:
8.5x11 with 50 pages in brilliant colorsAll about your child and the hospital recorded in a bright and colorful wayJournal pages to record all your thoughts throughout the first yearMonthly "About Me" and "milestone" pages leave nothing out. (likes, dislikes, growth, sleep paterns milestones, daily routine, places for pictures)Pages dedicated to 1st Birthday and First Christmas along with a place to record all his/her firstPage to articulate his/her growing personalityThis journal would make an awesome baby shower gift
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Note: If you would like this delightful journal with a different cover: please visit our author page for many more designs. https: //