Extends critical discussions of Hegel into contemporary debates about the nature of interpretation and theories of philosophical hermeneutics.
Hegel, History, and Interpretation is a collection of essays that extend critical discussions of Hegel into contemporary debates about the nature of interpretation and theories of philosophical hermeneutics. Essays by Susan Armstrong, John D. Caputo, William Desmond, Robert J. Dostal, Shaun Gallagher, Philip T. Grier, H. S. Harris, Walter Lammi, George R. Lucas Jr., Michael Prosch, Tom Rockmore, and P. Christopher Smith explore difficult issues concerning historical interpretation, the nature of hermeneutics at the end of metaphysics, the social and critical function of reason, and the inadequacy of Hegel's interpretation of the experience of otherness. In the course of these essays Hegel is made to converse with Kierkegaard, Nietzsche, and Heidegger as well as with contemporary theorists such as Gadamer, Habermas, Foucault, and Derrida. Thus the contributors explore both the themes that form the common ground between Hegelian philosophy and contemporary interpretation theory and the mixed reception of Hegel's philosophy into contemporary discussions about history, deconstruction, critical theory, and alterity.
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