"Heart of Thirst" is a very fast-paced, easy-reading story about Danielle __ a young, black attorney, and her impressions of the men she has dated, or should date. Her opinions and those of her best friend, Jessica, are insightful and at times hilarious, but true. Through their eyes, we see the different men they have met and how they feel about them. Surely, everyone has met some of these types. The romantic scenes she describes are easy to picture and steamy! Felicity Constantine has a way with words that makes the reader understand the family values and relationships that Danielle and her colleagues and friends have encountered in their lives. As you get to know each character, sometimes you cheer for one, later rooting for another. The twists of the story make this book a page-turner that you won't want to put down. Can't wait for "Heart of Thirst", Volume two! __ Cary Gandolfi.