Despite nutrition and health care being multibillion-dollar industries, many of us remain unhealthy. Americans are plagued with health problems-physically, mentally, and emotionally-and overall health and quality of life are on the decline. If the health-care system and drugs are not the answer, then where can we turn to find true health and wellness?
Health by Design offers a comprehensive explanation of how science, the Bible, and the human body are all designed perfectly by God. The Bible's health principles, backed with sound science and modern-day research, can dramatically improve our health by allowing our bodies to function the way they were originally designed by God.
God wants us to understand ourselves and the world around us, and his desire is for us to live full, complete, and healthy lives. He has revealed his wisdom in his written word, the Bible, and with this we can discover the way to both physical and spiritual wellness-and a newfound life that will last forever.