The constitution of WHO (1946) mentions "the highest attainable standard of health
as a fundamental right of every human being." Moreover, taking health as individual
rights or basic fundamental right makes it mandatory for a state to provide for this
fundamental necessity of having a decent and dignified life. One of the determinants
of health are ensuring access to timely, quality and affordable medical facilities. It
also includes access to safe drinking water, nutritious food, affordable housing,
sanitation, equal treatment of citizens regardless of their gender, caste, religion, race,
place of birth at cetera. Health is considered one of the most basic inessential
requirements of a happy life. If we are not healthy we will not be able to attend our
school, go to work, complete our family responsibilities or participate in any activity
related to community. People make sacrifices to guarantee healthy life to them and
their families. In fact health is one of the three key parameters of human development
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