Praise for HAUNTED:
"One helluva ghost story."
Here's how it works: You, Dear Reader, are the main character of this story. The House will change and mold itself to your fears -- based on your own choices. Tansky House holds many secrets...what should you do?
Ghost, ghouls, devils, and madmen, oh my! Stop yelling "Don't go into the basement!" and live your own interactive horror movie. Whether you get your chills from Paranormal Activity, The Conjuring, and The Exorcist, or if your goosebumps come from slashers like the Scream, Saw, or The Purge* franchises, you'll find a custom horror story waiting for you inside HAUNTED. You're in control now... but can you make it out alive? Or will you be scared to death?
* Click Your Poison is in no way associated with these other brands and companies.