"Dianna, the words the prophet spoke to you will come to pass. You want God to work in a hurry, but you've got to be patient. You need to write your book and tell your story. They need to hear your story." That is some of the prophecy as I remember, that was spoken into my life. I knew over 10 years ago I was supposed to write a book but didn't realize the urgency of it until I got this particular prophecy. I asked myself, how many people, including myself, need to be healed from the hurts of their past? Has my total healing been held up? How many hurting people have I kept from receiving freedom from their past by not writing this book sooner? I will share with you my story of how I overcame all of the hurt, ridicule, name calling and pain of my past. I will share with you my life and the deep hurt I endured as a child, throughout my teenage years and on into adulthood. I was hurt, so I hurt others. I will share with you the areas of pain I caused others who were dear to me. By the direction of the Holy Spirit and the wisdom and knowledge that I have obtained through my experience, I write this book. If you are hurting, I pray this book will in some way help to usher you to your healing.
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