HAIL SOPHIA will dramatically change...
Your concept of who the Holy Spirit is, how you interpret the Bible, how Eastern Mysticism influenced Christianity, the spiritual treasures Hagia Sophia offers, and the best way to find Her.
Hagia Sophia (Holy Wisdom) is the Holy Spirit of God in the Wisdom Books of the Bible. Pythagoras, the first lover of Sophia, the first Philosopher ("philos" means "to love" and Sophy is short for Sophia), visited India seeking religious truth. The Biblical Sophia is based on the Hindu Wisdom Mother and Shakti.When Jesus was alive, Sophia was the "Word" and the "Eternal Light" who "Enlightens all human-kind." Enlightenment is our inheritance as Christians and children of God.Sophia is "The Goodness of God" Philosophers and early Christians, including St. Augustine, meditated on to experience God, to be Enlightened. "Happy are they who meditate on Sophia."HAIL SOPHIA depicts the history of how we define God as Holy Spirit in the Judeo-Christian tradition. The story of How Sophia got into our Bibles is Epic and includes a cast of the "Greats of History" at pivotal moments in our religious history. Our protagonists include Pythagoras, the "Buddha of the West"; Alexander the Great and the city and library that bear his name; the prophets Isaiah and Hosea; the seventy-two Jewish scholars, who wrote the Pentateuch in Greek; Saint and Roman Emperor Constantine, Pontiff of the Council of Nicaea; and St. Basil the Great, who saved the Holy Spirit of the Creed and the marriage of Sophia and Jesus Christ.