These prophets restate God's intention to establish his kingdom, and explain what this means for the lives of his people. Petterson's commentary sets the books in their wider biblical-theological context, and shows the connections between the post-exilic world and today.
This careful exegetical commentary, based on a fresh and nuanced translation from the author, and deeply informed conservative engagement with each of these vital prophetic books.
The Apollos Old Testament Commentary aims to take with equal seriousness the divine and human aspects of Scripture. It expounds the books of the Old Testament in a scholarly manner, accessible to non-experts, and it shows the relevance of the Old Testament to modern readers. Written by an international team of scholars, these commentaries are intended to serve the needs of those who preach from the Old Testament, as well as scholars and all serious students of the Bible.
This commentary opens with an Introduction which gives an overview of the issues of date, authorship, sources and outlines the theology of the book, providing pointers towards its interpretation and contemporary application. An annotated Translation of the Hebrew text by Anthony R. Petterson forms the basis for his comments.
Within this commentary on Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi, Form and Structure sections examine the context, source-critical and form-critical issues and rhetorical devices of each passage. Comment sections offer thorough, detailed exegesis of the historical and theological meaning of each passage, and Explanation sections offer a full exposition of the theological message within the framework of biblical theology and a commitment to the inspiration and authority of the Old Testament.