Gurdjieff himself states that his "Beelzebub" has seven levels of reading, one of which is the literal level. Therefore, the "Beelzebub" can and must also be considered "literally", and in this new work we will see the extreme precision of all the information communicated by Gurdjieff on countless aspects of the universe. Such precision and a wealth of details that confirm the very reliability of the literal level of the text. Although this is the exoteric level of the "Beelzebub" - almost ignored by the vast majority - it is the most insidious, as it is precisely it that totally overturns any of our vision and presumed knowledge that we believe we have about the universe and the meaning of human life on earth. Considering that everything we suppose to "know" comes from the external influences that form our personality, the exoteric and literal aspect of the "Beelzebub" places its action right on the outermost and superficial surface of the psyche, but in such a form that through constant and intense efforts, it requires the participation of the essence so that the shock absorbers of the personality do not oppose the digestion process of new impressions. Otherwise the psychological digestion process would be replaced by vomiting, that is, by a refusal and rejection of this specific type of nourishment. We must not believe, but we must accept its plausibility, because only in this way will be possible the intentional comparison between the data mechanically acquired in the past and the new impressions. From this confrontation, nothing of the old religious, philosophical, moral and scientific beliefs should survive. Beelzebub's literal plan poses immense difficulties with respect to everything we think we already know. Already in Ouspensky's "Fragments", we hear Gurdjieff repeat that objective knowledge is in contrast with all scientific ideas, even adding that they are not really "scientific" in the full sense of the term. Parallel to these statements he presents a "new" science but at the same time the most ancient and universal, a true science coming from the reason of highly evolved beings, which he defines as "objective science". Not a terrestrial science, conceived or discovered by terrestrials, but a universal science, already well known to all the beings that populate the universe long before the earthlings were created on Earth. At the end of this "journey" through this work, our vision of the universe and of everything that exists in it, as well as of the meaning it has in the organism of the universe, will be completely turned upside down, to the point of being able to conclude that "everything is really very different from what it seemed to be".
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