There was a gunslinger named Durango that arrived in the town of Yuma. He wanted to meet with the sheriff and be a deputy. Durango met with Job, the minister, and he said "we have no sheriff". Durango was looking to become deputy, but then it looked as though he could be sheriff of that town. Sheriff Durango met Katie Joe down at the pond taking a bath with no clothes on. They had a hot romance and opened up a diner/saloon. Samuel was a fill-in law man of the town and was a gunslinger. He became deputy working with Durango. Durango became blood brothers with Cuda of the Falling Rock tribe and there was peace in the Yuma territory. The son of Cuda did not want peace between Yuma and their tribe. He hated the white man, but Cuda said the spirits have spoken on their peace treaty. Cuda and Durango were a lot alike because they both had a heart and only killed in self-defense. Durango meets up with Fast Eddie, a friend of his that rode with him in the Texas Rangers. Fast Eddie became a Deputy for Durango and helped out in multiple gunfights. Durango tries to tame the town of Yuma and protect the vulnerable settlers.