A significant person in my life told me that I see the world only in black and white. She told me I had no grey area when it came to myself or
receiving it from others in my life. She fussed and made sure I knew that everything was not always black or white. She believed instead of
answers of yes or no, I should accept a maybe or an I do not know or something from people.
The reason is that things don't always go according to the way I want them to, and everyone doesn't always have an answer when I need it
from them. When it comes to having grey areas in your life, it can be miles long, instead of a small space. So, this got my mind running and
wondering, How many things have I accepted or not accepted by not being grey?
I thought maybe this is how we should view race-everyone's nationality is Grey-we all bleed red blood. By viewing it this way, perhaps racism
would end. My mind shifted to the point that I no longer introduced people to my black mind or my white mind, but to the book's purpose.
Also, I could have spelled it as Gray, but I like Grey better.
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