Someone tell me how it's possible to be attracted to a man that I can't stand Christian came into my store, The Green Vegan Shop, with a t-shirt saying: I didn't claw myself to the top of the food chain to eat vegetables? How dare he? I get that he's a chef and meat lover, but does he have to flash it in my face every time he shops here? Honestly, here I am, proving to myself and the world that I have what it takes to run a successful business, based on sustainability and fair trade. I try to be nice to everyone. I'm a vegan after all. We're nice people... but Christian gets under my skin like a tick. And he brings out the feisty redhead lurking inside me. How can he be the brother of my sweet friend, Violet, when he is easily the most infuriating, selfish, and cruel bastard in the city of Seattle? Yes, I know that I should just ignore him, but here's the tricky part; I'm spending good money on a dating agency who's supposed to find me the right man who matches my criteria for a life partner, and yet, none of the men I meet excite me. It's not that I'm frigid, it's just that for some inexpiable reason I''m cursed with a strong physical attraction to the one man who I know is everything I'm NOT looking for. Green is the third book in Elin Peer's highly praised Clashing Colors series, where opposites attract and fiery dialogue is masterfully written. If you are into two strong characters butting heads and trying desperately to deny the attraction between them, then the shenanigans Christian and Melody come up with to get back at each other will have you chuckling all night. This is an absolute must-read so go ahead, press the button and start reading this wonderful book today
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