The volume collects papers presented at the International Conference "Greek Medical Papyri - Text, Context, Hypertext" held at the University of Parma on November 2-4, 2016, as the final event of the ERC project DIGMEDTEXT, aimed primarily at creating an online textual database of the Greek papyri dealing with medicine. The contributions, authored by outstanding papyrologists and historians of the ancient medicine, deal with a variety of topics focused on the papyrological evidence of ancient medical texts and contexts. The first part, devoted to "medical texts", contains some new reflections on important sources such as the Anonymus Londinensis and the Hippocratic corpus, as well as on specific themes like the pharmacological vocabulary, the official medical reports, the medical care in the Roman army. The second part collects papers about the "doctors' context", providing highlights from broader viewpoints like the analysis of the writing supports, the study of the ostraka from the Eastern Desert, the evidence of inscriptions and philosophical texts. The third part is entirely focused on the DIGMEDTEXT project itself: the team members present some relevant key issues raised by the digitisation of the medical papyri.
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