Fodor's upCLOSE Great Britain"Good writing and a sassy attitude." -- Chicago Sun-Times "Takes you places locals love and tourists don't know about." -- American Way magazine "Perfect for finding bargains." -- Shape magazine Designed for people who want to travel well and spend less: With candid reviews and a fresh outlook, Fodor's upCLOSE points the way to authentic experiences that will take you away from the crowds and close to the culture -- without having to spend a fortune. Great places to stay that don't cost a fortune -- From Victorian inns and Regency town houses to cottage B&Bs and tidy hostels. The best places to eat, drink, and play with the locals -- From ye olde pubs and tea shops to Shakespeare stages and art festivals. On-the-money insights into local culture, history, and sights. Great side trips and adventures beyond the obvious Packed with savvy tips and practical information -- From airfare deals to tips on losing the crowds. Clear, readable maps
Like having a friend show you the area's best-kept secrets!
Published by User , 24 years ago
This UpClose guide gave accurate descriptions of the restaurants, accomodations, and cultural sites that we visited. My friend from England was even amazed at some of the places that I introduced him to! It was witty and informative and I loved the style of the book. Very helpful if you are planning a trip and want some places off the beaten path or new approaches to the standards.
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