The wonderful story of Grandma Polly's Garden is back again. Grandma Polly's Garden is a complete ecosystem of flora and fauna, whose survival is threatened because of excessive love and protection. How will the Garden's owner save her world, and ours?
This is a charming and tantalizing tale, interesting and thought provoking. It is written with flair, humour and in amusing rhyme. Written by Ruth Shalev, perfectly translated into Hebrew by Leah Naor, and beautifully illustrated by Ya'ara Eshet.
Ruth Shalev wrote the book for her grandchildren, but she died of cancer two weeks after it was published, and didn't live to see the love and joy with which it was received by the public.
All the partners in the publication effort did so voluntarily, without pay.
All proceeds from its sale are dedicated to cancer-related charities, in keeping with the wishes of this wonderful author, Ruth Shalev.