Me voy, y aunque la vida sigue su curso, necesitaba reiterar acerca del pasado para comprender mejor el presente y el porvenir: no hay texto sin contexto y tampoco los procesos pol ticos y sociales surgen de repente, de la nada, son frutos de un largo camino, de resistencias, fatigas, en los cuales participan muchos, que son, como ha sucedido en nuestro movimiento, los protagonistas principales de esta hist rica transformaci n. A todas y todos de coraz n. Gracias . Andr s Manuel L pez Obrador
The recounting of what the six-year term meant for the historical transformation of the country and how the commitment to the citizenry marked the path of a new politics.
"I am leaving, and although life goes on, I needed to reiterate about the past in order to better understand the present and the future: there is no text without context and neither do political and social processes arise suddenly, out of nowhere, they are the fruits of a long journey, of resistance, of fatigue, in which many participate, who are, As has happened in our movement, the main protagonists of this historic transformation. I am one of them, of the authors of this work, but not the only one; It fell to me to lead this struggle, but I was supported by men and women who forged a collective will willing to truly change public life in Mexico. To all of you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you." Andr s Manuel L pez Obrador