A recurring adage I recall hearing as a little girl says, "My soul looks back in wonder at how I got over." Sometimes we can't fully appreciate a moment in our life until we look back at it. Throughout the years, like you and everyone else, I've had my share of ups and downs. I admit that my lower points have been few and far between, but I would venture to say the impressions left from my experiences have been indelible.
I would like to take this opportunity to reflect over the highs in my life that haven't always seemed like a high point initially, but upon reflection, my greatest moments of testimony have begun with my most desperate trials. This is a testimonial book of a disabled young woman and the blessings that God has bestowed in her life. A book of encouragement when you have moments of doubt or fear. A reminder that God is unchanging and his blessings are not only for our personal enrichment but to uplift others that he's not a one and done God.
Just as God told the Israelites to tell the stories from generation to generation of how they had to overcome so that they would never forget God's hand of deliverance, we, too, are overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony.