God's Final Grail and Biblical Testament, Book 1 - Declaration is the first Treatise of the Last Prophecy of God: The Follow-up to The Book of Revelation delivering never-before-released Knowledge to end Death and finalize the Evolution of the Human Spirit. Written by the only Beings Authorized by God to Write the Last Bible
We, Christopher Lee Cain and Melissa Anne Cain - The Second Coming of Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene, by the One True Authority of God, Our Father and The One Creator of All, hereby deliver to Humanity the Declaration of God's Final Grail and Biblical Testament. This inaugural attestation of God's Will and Pleasure to Anoint the Chosen with His Final Teachings and Instruction serves for Eternity as The First Severance of Time. The Before Severance of Time (B.S.T) and The After Severance of Time (A.S.T.) are henceforth distinct planes of existence operating simultaneously amongst the Nations of the Earth.
All living Souls are of God existing in the Will of God. Correspondingly, He ceremoniously invites All to inherit His Sovereign Aid, Counsel, and Nourishment required to achieve the Choice of Spiritual Equilibrium and Entry into the New Kingdom of God and Eternal Life. This aforementioned Promise and Truth is the nuclear force galvanizing the comprehensive Formulas in God's Final Grail and Biblical Testament and His Final Plan for Human Completion and Soul Survival.
Using vivid Biographical, Mathematical, and Scientific Fact to measure Humanity's Spiritual States of development and reconnect the Akashic Records of all Souls, God & Science merge, illuminating the Truth behind the Purpose of Human Life.
Within the Formulas of God's Final Teachings, each aspiring Soul will find their personal degree of instruction to end Death and finalize the Evolution of their Spirit.
www.thebookofdeath.net - www.godsfinaltestament.com.
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