The three major religions of the world clash in Professor Christopher Stone's college classroom and the conflict escalates when someone murders his wife, Eden, in a bombing--a bomb intended for him. The professor withholds information about a former life, which thwarts the investigation into the killing. Being unsure if his former enemies have found him, or if a fanatical student has sought revenge because of a classroom lecture, Professor Stone determines to find the one who murdered his wife and avenge her death--an eye for an eye--with or without the aid of the authorities.
Stone's vendetta comes to a screeching halt when his enemies realize he escaped their assassination attempt, and they send another hitman to finish the task. This avowed enemy tosses acid into Stone's eyes, leaving him blind. The blindness plunges him into personal despair, and out of desperation, he again seeks the God of his father.
Did Professor Stone err in withholding information at the beginning of the investigation? Did the investigators make a tragic mistake by assuming too much about the charred body in Stones' bedroom? Will Christopher Stone reclaim his lost faith? The final pages reveal the truth.