I have tried to write this for fourteen years and eight months. This story is the hardest I have ever written. It contains an abundance of emotions, some of the physical and mental pain, several of the joys, few of the failures, and an attempt to give the audience a general idea of the torture of having children who became drug addicts. I didn't want to write those last two words of that sentence, but that is what they became, and I'm trying to be truthful. Sometimes the truth hurts. The writing of this has at times been therapeutic and at other times been gut-wrenching. One of the intentions of the story is to help other families and even addicts to see that with God, addiction can be survived.
Hopefully, this account will help others by offering solace to those whose children are/were drug addicts or will encourage those with children to NOT make the mistakes I feel that I did. Maybe this book will inspire some child to stay away from anything that is addictive. If this personal history accomplishes any of the above, it will have been worth the heartache of writing about a very personal wound that surfaced a few years before June 10, 2003 and has been gouged and slit open though never really closed since that time.
The only way my family and I have survived to tell this story is by God's Grace and Faithfulness.
This is not a happy story, but neither is it all sadness and gloom. It's our telling of how children who were very much loved became people whom the parents felt they no longer knew at times. It is a story of survival in a world that the devil tries to destroy daily, but we know without a shadow of a doubt that Our God Is More Powerful Than Any Addiction.