If God is the God of sound science, and the Bible is the infallible Word of God, then surely the two have to match. This book documents the results of an investigation that reconciles the Genesis creation account to God making, and not evolving, Earth's six major Eras as mainstream geologists and paleontologists understand them. Also explored are if the Genesis 1 humans were made thousand of years before the Genesis 2 agriculturally-enabled humans, Adam and Eve, were made. This investigation also encompasses Noah's gigantic flood, the Big Bang, and some inconsistencies of evolutionary theories. The truth cannot be found in bending science to match the Bible, or in bending the Bible to match science. The truth is found by calling out to God for understanding, praying, fasting, meditation, and lots of investigation and research.
This is written from an investigative perspective that the Bible is solid evidence and infallible as it was originally written, and should be taken literally. A comprehensive, yet concise, overview of the universal conflict that led to the pain and chaos here on Earth shows how God is using this to bring good from it, the humble role that humanity now plays in this, what to expect in the events that may soon occur, and God's plan for humanities' future.
Diagrams are used to help explain end time events, if and when human souls go to Paradise, Heaven, the New Earth, Hades, or the Lake of Fire, how Paradise was emptied after Jesus died on the cross, and why it's so important to not have our name blotted out from God's Book of Life. Provides the background on how Satan became the reigning death god of Earth, what the angel Abaddon is doing now in Hades and what he will do after he arrives on Earth in the future, and how our omnipotent and supremely powerful God will put an end to pain and suffering. Concisely unpacks the background and events in Revelation, prophesies, the role angelic transportation devices (ATDs or UFOs) have played in the Bible, what to expect of them in the future, and why some of these ATDs are likely here now for peace and goodwill, but others are here with evil intent.
Clear biblical precepts with simple graphics concisely show how to have healthy and strong personal relationships, grow solid marriages, and raise spiritually healthy kids. The steps we need to take are explained with illustrations on how to live an abundant life, regardless of our circumstances, and how God can use our trials to draw us closer to Him. Hundreds of verses are woven together in a few pages to demonstrate with graphics how wonderfully God designed our human spirit, heart, and soul to work together. Knowing how they interact helps us understand how this influences and impacts our deep internal drives and motives, self-perception, and our interactions with others so we can have peace within ourselves, have better relationships with others and God, and can help us make wiser decisions.