Here what others are saying about this God-anointed book...
"Christians agree that fulfilling the Great Commission is not a suggestion but a command. Making disciples who make disciples requires more than desire or even commitment--it requires intentionality. In his book, Go Make (Pentecostal) Disciples, Dr. James gives a detailed path to becoming a Spirit-empowered Christ follower. Take the journey; or better yet, take someone else with you."
Alton Garrison
Assistant General Superintendent of the Assemblies of God, and, Director of the Church Transformation Initiative
"Ray James' book 'Go Make (Pentecostal) Disciples', reminds us what the FINISH Commitment is about: making disciples." It's what Christ calls us to do: make disciples. This research focuses in on the unique dynamic of discipleship in the Pentecostal realm and is an excellent resource to help boldly proclaim the territory Christ has imparted to us as Spirit-filled leaders."
Dr. Timothy M. Hill
Presiding Bishop/General Overseer, Church of God, Cleveland, Tennessee
"Pentecostal experience is rooted in the descriptive truths found in God's Word. Dr. Ray James provides a study of the Bible that corresponds to life experiences we encounter as disciples of Jesus Christ. As we engage in this insightful study of the Word, 'Go Make (Pentecostal) Disciples', we will discover the great joy and blessing of the power of the Spirit working through the power of the Word."
Dr. A.D. Beacham, Jr.
General Superintendent, International Pentecostal Holiness Church