During this journey of self-discovery, you will learn to uncover what your life purpose is and that is the ultimate prize - knowing what you are destined to do in this lifetime. One of the biggest challenges we face is trying to figure out what we want to accomplish in our lives. What is it that you love to do? What is something that you have done that feels "natural" to you?
Do you know what you want to do with your life? A harsh reality is that if you do not have a vision, then you will tend to allow other people and circumstances to direct the course of your life. Have you been working the same job for many years with zero passion and just feel stuck? You are stuck because you are too comfortable and relying on just existing in life. No one was meant to exist - you were meant to live a life that is fulfilling. Is your life fulfilling right now?
Light illuminates, but it also reveals. It reveals what is hidden in the darkness. When you make that connection to Spirit - you allow your inner light to glow. Allowing your light to shine means that you are selfless and compassionate. It allows you to identify your passion, which allows you to fulfill your life purpose. What do you need to do to live in the moment and allow your inner light to glow?