In this inspirational and often humorous collection of essays, author Dorothy Horne tackles a variety of life's trials with wit, grace, and a deep faith in God. Many of the more than eighty entries chronicle how Alzheimer's has affected her life, family and faith. Her words are always encouraging and ultimately inspirational. Confident that God will guide her through the trials and that His grace will be revealed through it all, her writing points to hope rather than despair. Whether the subject is faith, hope, brokenness, Alzheimer's or humor, Horne writes with the simplicity and grace of a close friend sharing wisdom over afternoon tea. Filled with insight, honesty and a generous openness, Glimpses of Grace is an act of gratitude for God's grace in all of life's affairs-a book of hope in the midst of difficulty. It is a testament to the golden thread of God's love that weaves through life's journey.
"I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonders." Psalm 9:1 (NIV)
"Dorothy's graceful writing and generous sharing of personal stories deeply touches readers, always leading us to see grace and joy even in difficult situations." -Richard Brack, editor, Longview News-Journal