The latest methods for designing seismically sound structures
Fully updated for the 2012 International Building Code, Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering Handbook, Second Edition discusses basic earthquake principles, common earthquake effects, and typical structural damage caused by seismic shaking.
Earthquake computations for conditions commonly encountered by design engineers, such as liquefaction, settlement, bearing capacity, and slope stability, are included. Site improvement methods that can be used to mitigate the effects of earthquakes on structures are also described in this practical, comprehensive guide.
Coverage includes:
Basic earthquake principlesCommon earthquake effectsEarthquake structural damageSite investigation for geotechnical earthquake engineeringLiquefactionEarthquake-induced settlementBearing capacity analyses for earthquakesSlope stability analyses for earthquakesRetaining wall analyses for earthquakesOther geotechnical earthquake engineering analysesGrading and other soil improvement methodsFoundation alternatives to mitigate earthquake effectsEarthquake provisions in building codes