Special Tribute Issue to Professor Peter Davison
Peter Davison: A Giant Among Orwell Scholars - by Richard Lance Keeble
- 'The Complete Works: Clear, Reliable, Scrupulous - and Beautiful' - by Douglas Kerr
- 'Esteemed by Other Orwellians for his Readiness to Offer Help and Encouragement' - by Darcy Moore
- Farewell & Hail, Peter! - by John Rodden
- 'He Was Nothing if not a Completist!' - by Richard Young
- How Peter Lives on at Birmingham University - by Nathan Waddell
- 'Peter: My Wonderful, Supportive Friend for 10 years' - by Sylvia Topp
- 'Rather a Great Man' - by D.J. Taylor
- Why A Literary Life is One of the Best Studies of Orwell - by John Newsinger
- An 'Unparalleled Feat of Respect, Curiosity and Love' - by Dorian Lynskey
- Ian Angus's Crucial Role in the Promotion of Orwell Studies - by John Lethbridge
- Introduction to Publication of Orwell's Original Manuscript for Nineteen Eighty-Four - by D.J. Taylor
- Richard Young on the Original 1984 Manuscript
- Big Brother Vladimir? - by John Rodden
Book Reviews
Martin Tyrrell on Orwell in Cuba: How 1984 came to be Published in Castro's Twilight, by Fr?d?rick Lavoie (translated by Donald Winkler); Tim Crook on The Radio Front: The BBC and the Propaganda War 1939-45, by Ron Bateman