Genghis Khan was without a doubt one of the greatest conquerors of all times. He changed the course of history with his small horsemen army as he build an Empire that spread from China to Europe
Genghis Khan, the myth, the man, the legend... Major metropolises would become ghost towns upon his arrival. Grown men would shake in fear at just the mention of his name, not even wanting to speak it lest the doom he wrought came down upon them. He was referred to in hushed whispers as simply the "Scourge of God". For the superstitiously inclined of the ancient world, the destruction and chaos Genghis Khan engendered was so thoroughly complete that they believed he must have been sent by God to punish them. For them, the Mongols riding rapidly across the steppes towards their various homelands seemed to be nothing short of the horsemen of the apocalypse. When Khan arrived, the end was near. But who was Genghis Khan? We have heard many apocalyptic and dire descriptions, but who was he really? From his days as a poor and persecuted forager of the steppes to his years as world conqueror, this book follows all the twists, turns, and gallops of Genghis Khan's life. Inside discover: The life of Genghis Khan The power of his horsemen army and fear it left on its trailThe lands he conquered to built his Empire Khan strategies to conquer the World The fall of his Empire His legacyScroll back up and click the BUY NOW button at the top right side of this page to order your copy now
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