Antoni Gaud (1852-1926), a Spanish architect from Catalonia, was one of the greatest pioneers of 19th-century architecture. Gaud 's works have a highly individualized style, defined by his unique compositions, organic shapes and kaleidoscopic designs. They transcend not only mainstream Modernism, but traditional art forms. Perhaps Gaud 's most-loved contribution to his city of Barcelona is Park G ell, a vibrant garden filled with his art. Reproduced here is a section of a mosaic sun on the ceiling of the park's Hypostyle Room, alongside the abstract lines from his chimney pots at the Casa Mil building. Gaud 's last work of civic architecture, Casa Mil (also known as La Pedrera) represented a break with the conventions of his day, designed as a totally undulating building with a beating heart like a living being. Gaud 's fascination with the geometry of nature stemmed from his deep religious devotion, seeing the organic lines as a form of divine creation. With this design, we celebrate Gaud 's vision and the sense of heaven on earth he created for us all to enjoy.
Format: UltraSize: Width: 180mm (7") x Height: 230mm (9") x Depth: 20mm (3/4")Interior: LinedSpace between lines: 8.11mmLines Per Page: 25Page Count: 144PagesClosure: WrapColour: OrangeGSM (paper weight): 120Binding Type: Smyth SewnCover: HardcoverEdge Printing: NoPouch Type: Memento PouchInterior Paper: Custom-designed laid paperRibbon Markers: 1100% recycled binder boardsDecorative printed cover paperFSC-certified text paperThreaded stitching and glue, as neededAcid-free sustainable forest paper