Earth was supposed to be the perfect world, the first heaven, full of life, and with man created out of the Earth, whose purpose was to live joyfully and peacefully while worshiping God. However, before God created Earth, according to His plan, He would first create three billion Bene-Elohim, Sons of God, who were to be subordinate angels, and who were to be ruled over by three Archangels. Each Archangel would have under his command one billion of the Bene-Elohim, and each soul would have its perfect place in the order Abba had intended. There would be Messenger Archangel Gabriel, the Warrior Archangel Michael, and finally, Worshiper Archangel Lucifer.
Gabriel, Michael, and Lucifer, along with the three billion Bene-Elohim, would all live peacefully together in what would be originally the first heaven. Each of the Archangels would ensure that the subordinate angels and spiritual beings beneath their command remained dutiful, prayerful, and worshipful towards Abba, Yeshua, and Eliezer. But something happened.