In his first novel Charles Herbert has whittled a tale that is especially appealing to history aficionados, skiers and suspense lovers - creating a genre all his own. Transfixing and full of colorful characters, this finely composed novel spills beautiful imagery and vivid portraits of the unfiltered experiences that nature presents. What would you do if pushed to the extremes?
Set in the final gasp of World War II, the story begins with SS Standartenfuehrer Horst Steiner, a brave and dedicated spiritual pilgrim. He does not court danger but rather stumbles across it. He has been ordered to seize the treasures of the Roman queen Galla Placidia in the craggy alpine peaks of Italy. What follows is a gut-wrenchingly dramatic story spanning three continents of good vs. evil in a world where it is hard to tell right from wrong.
With heart-stopping escapes and devious deceptions, Galla Placidia's Jewels is an irresistible adventure about defining yourself while you pursue your path to survival. The story relentlessly pulls you in and doesn't let go until the final endeavor to save history.
Freed from the strict confines of a historical narrative, Herbert digresses; what seem at first to be sidetracks are instead deliberately placed ellipses. The result is a sprawling, lyrical tale of characters who have been deceptively thrust together.