As the world becomes increasingly complex, that complexity tends to be reflected in statistical approaches to things that comprise our everyday experiences. Many people now find that understanding statistics is a skill they need to succeed in the many disciplines and occupations that rely on data and numerical information. While they may not need computational skills, rigorous mathematics, or the ability to actually design studies themselves, they do need some background in the concepts essential to understanding and intelligently applying common statistical procedures and ideas.
Fundamentals of Applied Statistics and Surveys provides that background. Heavily focused on conceptual content, its approach is discursive rather than computational. The author emphasizes the more easily understandable, and more generally useful, techniques most frequently encountered by those in careers other than statistics.
Aimed at users of statistical information, rather than producers of it, Fundamentals of Applied Statistics and Surveys provides an accessible treatment of basic concepts and methods without involving the reader in extensive mathematics or complicated computations.